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Boat Cuisine: All Weather Cookbook

Boat Cuisine: All Weather Cookbook
  • guide de la cuisine à bord
  • Auteur : Raper June
  • 9781898660026

  • Isbn : 9781898660026
  • 04/1994
  • Conditionnement : Carton

Prix TTC 18,00 €

Description :

An all-weather sailing cookbook. A selection of 150 tried and tested recipes, indexed by wind strengths for all conditions. Nothing like a good curry in a Force 12,

This looks better than beans on toast!

June Raper has been at sea long enough to be suspicious of recipes describing "how to make jam at sea" or  "take four pints of water and a lobster". The recipes in this book are practical - she has tried them all out on her boat, and guarantees they will work. Further, each is indexed by windstrength so you can serve something tasty, nutritious - and easy - in a blow, or make something more elaborate on a calm day.

 •How to cook on a boat, safely.
 •Recipes for a variety of sea conditions.
 •No previous experience required.
 •Every recipe has been tested at sea.
 •Tasty meals from very basic ingredients.
 •Quick meals - for when the cook is feeling queasy.

June Raper and her family have cruised extensively from the Baltic to the eastern Mediterranean in sailing and motor boats of all descriptions, and residence in many countries has given her direct experience of a wide variety of cuisines. In these pages she draws the two together to provide an enticing, practical guide to cooking afloat.

First published as The Beaufort Scale Cookbook, this new edition has been revised and updated, and contains several new recipes devised during the author's recent six - year cruise.


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